
Post Resurrection:       Jesus Appears to His Followers

11 Recorded Appearances of the Lord


1)     Mark 16: 9-11

Mary Magdalene @ the tomb on Sunday morning; weeping and thinking His body had been stolen. She only, recognized Jesus when he spoke her name, "Mary."


2)     Matt 28: 9-15

Another group of women came to the tomb and were greeted by the words of Jesus, "All hail".


3)     Mark 16: 12-13

Two disciples, Cleopas and his companion en route to Emmaus. Where a stranger joined them while walking and was invited to dinner. They only recognized Him When He broke bread with them.

4)     1 Cor 15: 5

Appearance to Simon Peter; this story is not recorded in the gospels fully, though the apostle Paul wrote of it to the church of Corinth.


5)     Mark 16: 14     

The first day Jesus appeared to the disciples that night in the upper room. They were in lock down for fear of the Jews and were waiting for further reports of the appearances of Jesus. Suddenly, Jesus appeared in their midst with the greeting, "Peace be unto you." Even then, they were not convinced that He was real, but were affrighted thinking he was a spirit (ghost). To convince them he showed them his hands and feet and ate a broiled fish and honeycomb in their presence.  Having convinced them He was alive, he commanded them to go forth and bless the entire world.



6)     John 20: 24-31

Jesus appeared the next Sunday night in the upper room. This time Thomas, who was unconvinced of the resurrection was present. He was invited by Jesus to rectify his faith thru personal examination.


7)     John 21: 7

Jesus appeared on the shore of Galilee; the disciples who fished all night to no avail. Jesus has breakfast and bids them, "Come and dine." Jesus also enables Peter to search out his true feelings about his earthly commitment.


8)     Mark 16: 15-18

Appearing to the 500 hundred in Galilee; Jesus set forth the Great Commission at this appearance.


9)     1 Cor 15: 7       

Appeared to James, His brother. It is believed by many that this appearance determined the conversion of James, after which he joined the ranks of the disciples with great influence.


10)  Luke 24: 44-49

To the disciples again near Jerusalem; He interpreted the Old Testament scriptures with regard to the messiah and the plan of salvation. He also, instructed them to tarry in Jerusalem to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.


11)  Mark 16: 19-20

To the disciples the last time @ Mount Olivet; He spoke briefly and gave them his blessing and then ascended into heaven


  Milford Baptist Services:


7:00 PM / Downstairs


11:00 AM. - 12:00 PM / Sanctuary

                         Sunday School 

10:00 AM to 10:45 AM


Milford Baptist Church

Milford Baptist Church is a family oriented church believing in conservative Christianity. We at MBC believe that Jesus Christ is the prophetic messiah of the Old Testament as follows:

Jesus is the son of God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; who was conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary; who suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried, descended into hell and on the third day He rose again from the dead.

He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence, He shall come to judge, the quick and the dead.

We at MBC believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy church of God, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.

Our Services:

Sunday school:  10:00 am - 10:45 am 

Sunday Morning Worship: 11 am

Wednesday Prayer Service: 7 pm

Our Mission:

To become a family of Believers manifesting the fundamental tenets of Jesus Christ:

Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness.

We Offer: